Federally-sponsored language courses
Improve your own opportunities and those of your company.
Subsidized language courses: Increasing opportunities for individuals and companies
There are many reasons to take advantage of government funding for your continuing education or that of your employees:
Good reasons for government funding of language courses for companies:
- Qualification or promotion of your employees to strengthen the company!
- Potential increase in sales through better contact with your customer base!
Why private individuals should take advantage of government funding for language courses:
- Improving your individual chances on the job market!
- Increasing your career opportunities in your job!
- Personal development and new contacts!
There are various institutions that offer subsidies in this regard, such as:
- The German state
- Your federal state
- Your city
These offer you or your company various opportunities to take advantage of subsidized language courses.
Examples of specific funding measures are:
- the "Aktivierungs- und Vermittlungsgutschein" (AVGS)
- the "Bildungsgutschein" for Saxony and Leipzig
- the "Bildungsscheck" for Saxony
By taking advantage of these funding possibilities, you could be well on the way to your next language course.
Do not hesitate to inform yourself here about subsidized language courses.
We look forward to welcoming you soon at Learn and Speak, your language school in Leipzig!

Language courses with state funding for private individuals: Increase job opportunities!
Learning languages in Leipzig is not only recommended for communicating better on your next vacation to a foreign country.
In addition to many private benefits, improving your language skills also opens up lucrative new opportunities in your job or on the job market.
An attractive continuing-education program for private individuals in the form of a language course in Leipzig can, therefore, also be of professional benefit to you.
Our German courses and English courses are particularly popular!
But that's not all: Learn and Speak Leipzig offers a wide selection of language learning opportunities!
Choose your language here:
What are you waiting for?

State support for companies: Invest in the success of your company!
Language training is an attractive educational component. This is not only true for companies that operate abroad or maintain foreign contacts.
As a company, you have the following government funding options:
- Promotion according to the Qualification Opportunities Act (QCG)
- Promotion of in-company continuing education and personnel and organizational development via the continuing education check
To help your new employees quickly feel at home in your company and at home in Germany, learning German in Leipzig is extremely beneficial.
It is not only your foreign employees who will benefit from a German course.
Your entire workforce will benefit from learning a new language. For example, by learning English or by learning another foreign language.
There are many advantages for your company:
- Successful cooperation through (linguistic) integration of employees into the company
- Creation of important competitive advantages
- Release of innovative forces
Those who actively invest in the skills of their employees secure the future of the company!
Numerous companies have already gathered a wide range of positive experiences in cooperation with Learn and Speak over the past years.
Secure the many advantages for your company.
Further useful information can also be found here:
- Support offers from the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees
- German courses and integration courses offered by the Federal Employment Agency
In order to benefit from state-subsidized training measures
please contact us by telephone at +49 341 2228877-13,
or use our contact form.